Saturday, August 4, 2018

[WIP] Dialogue Display With Sound

I'm currently working on a Unity asset to display in-game dialogue. It's going to be a general display solution, not a dialogue system itself. It will allow you to display text based dialogue in game. The dialogue system options will allow you to mimic many well known RPG dialogue systems seen in games today, and classics.

This dialogue system will be unique from the dialogue displays in the asset store as it will allow you to play sounds not only per letter, but per syllable. This will allow the text to produce voice-like "speech" for your characters. The sounds will play as the dialogue displays, so as the letters appear you will hear each syllable being spoken giving more depth and life to your in-game dialogue. The system will also allow you to make the voices musical by deciding on a scale and root note (key). There are several scales built in, with the ability to easily add custom ones. There are various play options for the music voices such as:

  • play random notes per syllable
  • play notes in ascending order,
  • play in descending order
  • play chromatic
  • play only root note

The sound clip that plays is also fully customizable. The system takes a short sound clip (~1second), based on middle C (for the music options). Easy to add into existing project. Drag and drop Voice prefab onto character, edit easily edit your preference. Feed the system your dialog at runtime. Simply takes in an array of sentences. Remap the initiate dialogue button, change the activation radius, many more options...

Multiple demo scenes to show various use cases, some UI templates, and some sample sounds.
A demo scene with various UI examples, and some sample sounds.

The system will also include basic options such as:

  • no sound display
  • instant display (full sentence)
  • typewriter sound
  • mechanical keyboard sound
Images, videos, and demos coming soon!

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